Sponsor a student today!

Our Scholarship Ministry is one of our most active and most in need of funding!  More and more of our students are requesting financial assistance for school, and many of them are pursuing higher education , so we need your help to fund all of the scholarships!

Below are students that lack funding for their scholarship. For their privacy, I have not included pictures or names, however I can send you that information personally and you will receive a prayer card for your student should you decide to become a sponsor.


  1. How much is a sponsorship?

    • College: $120-$150 Monthly

    • High School: $70-$100 Monthly

    • Middle School: $40-$60 Monthly

  2. What if I can’t afford a full sponsorship?

    • No Problem! Many students have multiple sponsors. We have sponsors who give anywhere from $10-$200 monthly.

  3. Where do these students attend school?

    • All of our students attend school in Reynosa, Mexico at various public and private schools depending on their preference. We provide a monthly scholarship to help them with those costs to attend school.

  4. What other benefits do students have by being in this program?

    • By being in our program, students and their families have access to other types of financial aid as needs arise. For example, medical bills and groceries. The most important benefit is that we are able to get to know them better and be in prayer for specific needs, providing Biblical council and discipleship as we help lead them to Christ and share the gospel with each family.

      available students for sponsorship listed below!

College Students

19 Year Old Female

  • Birthday: January 29th

  • Pursuing a Degree in Nursing

18 Year Old Female

  • Birthday: August 31st

  • Wants to be a Kindergarten Teacher

17 Year Old Female

  • Birthday: December 22nd

  • Wants to enroll in college after her high school graduation

High School Students

18 Year Old Female

  • Birthday: December 28th

  • Wants a career in Tourism

17 Year Old Female

  • Birthday: September 17th

  • Wants to be a nurse

16 Year Old Male

  • Birthday: June 11th

  • He desires to finish high school and continue to higher education

16 Year Old Female

  • Birthday: July 3rd

  • She desires to finish high school and continue to higher education

Middle School Students

None need sponsors at the moment